Harlow Carr is a captivating David Austin Fragrant Rose that combines beauty and fragrance in one delightful package. This rose variety is renowned for its soft pink, cup-shaped blooms that exude a strong, myrrh-like scent. Its compact and bushy growth habit makes it a versatile choice for gardens, borders, and containers, while its disease resistance ensures a healthy and vibrant display throughout the growing season.
Why We Like It:
- Soft pink, cup-shaped blooms with a strong myrrh-like scent
- Compact and bushy growth suitable for various garden settings
- Disease resistance for a vibrant and low-maintenance garden addition
What to Know:
- Plant in well-drained soil and provide full sun to partial shade.
- Prune in late winter or early spring to maintain shape and encourage new growth.
- Regularly deadhead spent flowers to promote continuous blooming.
- Fertilize with a balanced rose fertilizer during the growing season.
- Harlow Carr is known for its strong resistance to common rose diseases.
Flower Colour: Soft pink
Key Features:
- Highly Fragrant
- Abundant Flowering
- Particularly Healthy
- Almost Thornless
Flowering Months: June to September
Height and Spread: Approximately 100-120 cm (height) x 90-120 cm (spread) when fully grown.