Benjamin Britten David Austin Fragrant Rose 5 Litre
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The Benjamin Britten David Austin Fragrant Rose is a stunning variety known for its deep red-orange blooms that fade to rich pink as they mature. This rose offers a strong, fruity fragrance with notes of wine and pear, making it an exceptional addition to any garden. Its upright growth habit and repeat-flowering nature ensure a vibrant display throughout the season. Renowned for its excellent health and resilience, this rose thrives in various garden settings, including borders and containers, and is an excellent choice for cut flowers.
Why we like it
- Beautiful red-orange blooms that mature into rich pink
- Strong, fruity fragrance with unique wine and pear notes
- Reliable repeat-flowering variety
What to know
- Prefers full sun for optimal flowering
- Plant in well-drained, fertile soil enriched with organic matter
- Water deeply and regularly during dry spells
- Prune annually to encourage healthy growth and flowering
- Deadhead spent blooms to promote repeat flowering
Flower colour
Red-orange fading to rich pink
Flowering months
June, July, August, September
Height and Spread
Height: 120 cm
Spread: 90 cm
Our 5 Year Guarantee
All our roses come with a 5-year guarantee and are grown here in Ireland. We will only supply you with quality roses with exceptional health.
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