How To Cook Mexican Beer Chicken On Your Weber BBQ
P R E P T I M E : 10 minutes C O O K I N G T I M E : 1 hour 10 minutes T O TA L T I M E : 1 hour 20 minutes B B Q T E M P : 180°C CORE TEMP: 75°C C O O K I N G M E T H O D : Indirect S K I L L L E V E L : Medium W E B E R E Q U I P M E N T : GBS Poultry Roaster |
RUB: 2 tsp smoked paprika, 2 tsp soft brown sugar, 2 tsp dried oregano, 1 tsp cumin, seeds ground, 1 tsp chili flakes, zest of one lime, salt and freshly ground black pepper 1kg whole free range chicken, 1 tbs rapeseed oil, 1 bottle Mexican beer, two wedges of lime, 1 split red chilli
1 First make the rub for the chicken by finely grinding all the ingredients in a pestle and mortar.
2 Lightly oil the exterior of the chicken and evenly coat with the rub.
3 Half fill the GBS Poultry roaster cup with the beer followed by the lime wedges and chilli.
4 Firmly sit chicken onto the GBS poultry roaster cup making sure the chicken is stable and upright. Cut a wedge of the remaining lime and plug the neck cavity of the bird. This will help keep all the scented steam in the carcass and stop it for escaping.
5 If desired, a selection of lightly oiled and seasoned mixed peppers can be added to the base of the poultry roaster at this point.
1 Prepare the barbecue for indirect heat, approx. 180°C. If using a charcoal barbecue, you need ½ chimney starter of lit briquettes.
2 Roast the chicken over an indirect medium heat for approximately 1 hour 10mins or until the meat has reached 75°c. It is recommended you probe the meat with an instant read thermometer, iGrill or Weber Connect Smart Grilling Hub.
3 Allow the chicken to rest for 10 minutes before carving.