Sub Adult Regal Jumping Spider - Captive Bred
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The regal jumping spider, also known as the Phidippus regius, is a species of jumping spider that can be found in the southeastern United States. This is a type of jumping spider that is often kept as a pet in captivity. Regal jumping spiders are small and have an attractive coloration that makes them unusual exotic pets.
Often found around Florida, regal jumping spiders are known for being the largest species of Phidippus.
3 Facts About Regal Jumping Spiders
- Regal jumping spiders create elliptic webs that have two exits on either side.
- They are the largest species of Phidippus found in eastern north America.
- Regal jumping spiders are sexually dysmorphic, and it is easy to tell the male and female apart by their appearance.
Regal Jumping Spider Species, Types, and Scientific Name
The regal jumping spider belongs to the Salticadae family, which is one of the largest family of spiders, having around 6,000 different types. They are a type of jumpong spider from the Phidippus genus and are scientifically known as the Phidippus regius.
Appearance: How To Identify Regal Jumping Spiders
Regal jumping spiders are sexually dysmorphic, which makes it easy to distinguish between a male and a female by looking at their characteristics. The female regal jumping spiders have the most color and grow larger than males.
The male regal jumping spider has an entirely black coloration, which is why they are mistaken as black widows. They also have white spots and stripes along their bodies in the same type of pattern as females. The male regal jumping spiders are smaller than females, but both regal jumping spiders have small bodies with sets of large black eyes that give them a cute appearance.
Female jumping spiders are well-known for their coloration, which consists of orange and gray patterns on their bodies. Regal jumping spiders have fine hairs that cover their entire bodies, and their jaws have a bluish-green iridescent color.
Both male and female regal jumping spiders have three dots on their abdomens that resembles a smiling face.
It is easy to house as it is small and has basic care requirements. If you build or procure a small enclosure, wooden or otherwise, you can keep your pet comfortable. Ensure that the space has good airflow and throw in a few accessories to brighten up the area.
You need to take quite a few things into account when feeding these spiders. Since they are so small, you cant feed them standard insects, at least not initially. You should feed the young spiderlings, flightless fruit flies, or tiny pinhead crickets as much as they are willing to eat. Do This 1-