Siamese Fighter Assorted Male XL
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he Siamese Fighter, also known as the Betta fish, is a vibrant and captivating species popular among aquarium enthusiasts. These fish are known for their striking colors and elegant, flowing fins. Male Siamese Fighters are particularly notable for their aggressive behavior towards other males, hence the name. They exhibit a wide range of colors and patterns, including blues, reds, and purples, often with iridescent highlights. Their care is relatively straightforward, but they require specific conditions to thrive.
The Siamese Fighter is native to Southeast Asia, primarily found in the waters of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. They inhabit shallow, warm, and slow-moving or stagnant waters like rice paddies and floodplains.
The ideal temperature for Siamese Fighters is between 24°C and 28°C.
These fish are carnivorous and thrive on a diet of high-protein foods. Suitable options include brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, and specially formulated betta pellets.
Water Quality:
Siamese Fighters prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH level, ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. They also require soft to moderately hard water.
Ideal Aquarium Size:
A minimum tank size of 19 liters is recommended for a single Siamese Fighter. The aquarium should have a cover to prevent the fish from jumping out, and be equipped with a gentle filtration system to keep the water clean without creating strong currents.
With proper care, Siamese Fighters typically live for about 3 to 5 years.
Community Tank Compatibility:
While males are territorial and should not be housed with other males, they can coexist with peaceful, non-fin-nipping species. A well-planted tank with hiding spots helps reduce stress.
Breeding Siamese Fighters involves setting up a separate breeding tank with warm, shallow water. The male builds a bubble nest for the eggs. After spawning, the female should be removed as the male becomes protective of the nest and may become aggressive.
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We don't ship live animals. You can order online and choose click and collect and we will hold it for you.